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Customer master data management plays a crucial role in achieving a comprehensive 360-degree view of customers. Here’s how it contributes to building a Customer 360:

Master Data Management for Customer 360
Master data management (MDM) provides a single, trusted source of customer data by creating a "golden record" or master record for each customer. This master record consolidates all relevant customer information from various sources into a unified, accurate, and up-to-date profile.

The key aspects of MDM in enabling a Customer 360 view include:
Data Integration: MDM solutions integrate customer data from multiple systems like CRM, ERP, marketing automation, e-commerce platforms, and more. This consolidates disparate customer data into a centralized repository.

Data Quality and Governance: MDM enforces data quality rules, standardization, and deduplication to ensure the customer master data is accurate, consistent, and free of duplicates. It also establishes data governance policies for managing customer data.

Master Customer Profile: MDM creates a single, authoritative master record for each customer, containing all relevant attributes like demographics, contact details, purchase history, interactions, and more. This comprehensive profile forms the foundation of the Customer 360 view.

Data Enrichment: MDM solutions can enrich customer master data with third-party data sources, such as demographic, geographic, or social media data, to provide a more complete understanding of customers.

By establishing a trusted, consolidated, and enriched view of customer data through MDM, organizations can gain a holistic understanding of their customers’ preferences, behaviors, and journeys across multiple touchpoints. This enables personalized experiences, targeted marketing, improved customer service, and data-driven decision-making.

While MDM is a critical enabler, achieving a true Customer 360 view often requires integrating MDM with other technologies like customer data platforms (CDPs), data warehouses, and analytics tools to derive actionable insights from the consolidated customer data.

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