Developing Data Science Skills

Post by Steven, Data Science Unit, Welsh Government

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

Data science is a key skill to transforming our work in Welsh Government, as we use it to modernise and automate data processes and help us to work efficiently, transparently and accurately. The data science unit has always been keen to help staff learn and improve their data science skills, and we have recently started two new initiatives to support this goal.

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The data science lunchtime seminar

The data science unit hosts a monthly seminar session where we showcase our project work and discuss data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and methods. The sessions have been running since 2022 and have been a great way to connect with colleagues from all over Welsh Government who are curious about data science and the work which we have been doing. Recently, we had our first Welsh Government speakers outside of the data science unit who shared some of their amazing work that involved automation, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). These talks highlighted the creative work happening in other areas such as Welsh Government’s Knowledge and Analytical Services.

From July, the seminar sessions will be open to the wider public sector in collaboration with the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) and Data Cymru. The first talk will look back at how data science has evolved in Welsh Government over the last few years, showcasing some of the successes and discussing some of the challenges. Members of the public sector may be interested in joining to see how our path in data science has taken us from Excel and proprietary statistical packages to using tools such as R and Python for Large Language Models (LLMs) in the last few years.

Data science mentoring scheme

We are also very excited to have launched an internal mentoring scheme for colleagues who want guidance to try out new techniques and deliver a data science project for their area. The mentoring scheme will match staff with a data scientist who can advise on methods, help fix code and hone the mentees data skills while ensuring that an impactful and valuable result is delivered.

The first batch of projects accepted for the scheme cover topics like the automation of analysis, the creation of custom reports for departments, improving accessibility of existing data and exploring modelling techniques to enhance current models. We are eager to see how the scheme develops and recognise the potential to boost the technical skills of our staff while helping deliver meaningful work.

Building skills for the future

Modernisation, efficiency and automation are fundamental to transforming how the Welsh Government is using data. Initiatives like the seminar series seek to encourage the wider public sector to do the same, whilst the mentoring scheme will help to increase our skills internally. The data science unit has an ongoing commitment to expanding capability with data science and AI in the public sector in Wales, keep an eye out for future blogs about our project work.