Chief Statistician’s update: improving trade data visualisation for Wales

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

We recently published a new and improved version of our International goods trade: interactive dashboard, presenting regional trade statistics (RTS) from HMRC. It includes a trade summary, maps, charts and tables of trade with specific countries and by product and time series charts.

What are the regional trade statistics?

The Regional Trade Statistics (RTS) produced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) cover the export and import of goods for 12 UK countries and regions with international trade partners. Data is accessed through HMRC’s API service.

Why have we updated this dashboard?

Our users and policymakers welcome the publication of the updated dashboard, as we make available RTS analysis that was not present in our existing dashboard. Our old dashboard did not include volume (kg) data and was limited in the time periods that could be selected to filter the data. So, the Trade Analysis Team, supported by an MSc student from Cardiff University’s School of Mathematics, set about re-developing the dashboard to remedy this.

What are the improvements made to the updated version?

The updated version has incorporated the following improvements:

  • Volume data – we have added trade volume data for the first time
  • Better filtering of dates – users can now select any quarter. Users can then build up a picture of trade according to calendar year, financial year or any other 12 month period
  • Average tables – we have added in the ability to create custom tables that average selected calendar year(s) data

What should be considered when using this dashboard?

The Regional Trade Statistics do not represent total trade. For example, the data includes goods but not services. The data also only captures international trade and not trade between UK countries. The data is only available at Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) 2-digit level and further geographical breakdowns are not available.

Regional trade in goods statistics methodology (HMRC) and UK Trade Info (HMRC) provide more information on the methodology used by HMRC to produce these statistics.

What are the future plans for this dashboard?

We will update the dashboard data on a quarterly basis, following HMRC’s publication release pattern.

As we have designed this dashboard in response to user requests, we welcome further feedback to make sure this dashboard meets your needs.

Is there anything you would like to see us include in future iterations? Which sections have you used and how? Is there anything missing? Anything that could be clearer? Any further analysis we could try out?

Please get in touch with us at