‘When is my bin day?’ How a Welsh council went user-centred
Powys County Council explains how user-centred design transformed its residents’ experience of everything from waste services to rate payments.
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Helping the Welsh Revenue Authority become fully digital
A digital maturity assessment is a fantastic way to get to know an organisation, as CDPS discovered in working with WRA.
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From Bees to Trees and everything in between – Wales harnesses the Internet of Things
Chief statistician’s update: how the pandemic has changed post-16 education
Charities and mixed mode meetings – is your school ready?
As the pandemic continues to have an impact on charities, governors and trustees should ensure that they have checked how and if they can hold meetings, since they may no longer be able to rely on the emergency powers which were previously available to them. The crucial first step is to check your school’s structure. […]
The post Charities and mixed mode meetings – is your school ready? first appeared on Harrison Clark Rickerbys.
Dismissal for Covid-19 vaccination refusal found to be fair
Unsurprisingly, we have seen a deluge of decisions coming through from the employment tribunals relating to Covid-19 over recent months. One such decision, in the case of Allette v Scarsdale Grange Nursing Home Ltd, provides an indication of how tribunals will consider dismissals relating to an employee’s refusal to accept a Covid-19 vaccination. Background The […]
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Digital, Data and Technology Apprenticeship – It’s never too late!
New digital courses for NHS Wales put the patient first
Training for NHS Wales executives and technicians shows how user-centred design can lead to better services.
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