Speed Up With Microsoft

People use R for lots of reasons: “It’s great for the models I need”, “I like the functional approach”, “It’s the tool I’m most comfortable with”. People don’t use R for these reasons: “I have a favourite processor core, I don’t want to use the others”, “I love how my memory needs to fit all…

Cosmos DB for Data Science

Cosmos DB is a snazzy new(ish) Microsoft Azure product. I was able to go to Microsoft Office in London for three days of training on the database service, which was really well structured and well run, with a lot of knowledgeable Microsoft bods around to pass on their considerable knowledge. This post will extract out…

R Objects

R objects To quickly recap, so far we’ve just worked with some single values to get to grips with how some of the various operations work. Of course, we rarely work with a single value! If we did, we could just use a calculator. This instalment you’ll get to grips with some different ways of…

SatRdays Cardiff

Hey again lovely readers! This blog is a very special one indeed, you get to hear about our great day out at SatRdays in Cardiff recently not once, not twice, but five times, from each of our team members perspectives! I think it’s fair to say that it was a very different experience for each…

Python and Tidyverse

Introduction One of the great things about the R world has been a collection of R packages called tidyverse that are easy for beginners to learn and provide a consistent data manipulation and visualisation space. The value of these tools has been so great that many of them have been ported to Python. That’s why…