
10 Customer Data Roles in Customer Relationship Management

Customer data plays a crucial role in customer relationship management as it provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions with your organization.

Having accurate and up-to-date customer data can help your organization better understand consumers and provide personalized experiences that foster loyalty and improve satisfaction and confidence in your products or services.

Harvard Business Review contributor and business expert Barbara Bund Jackson has found this is very valuable through her research.

a red old lanterns

What is customer MDM?

Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) is a process and technology used by organizations to ensure that customer data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date across all systems and applications.

CMDM aims to provide a single source of truth for customer information by creating a centralized repository of customer data and managing the quality, governance, and integration of this data across the enterprise.

Customer Master Data Management helps organizations to improve customer experience, reduce data duplication and errors, enhance data security and privacy, and support informed business decisions by providing a comprehensive view of customer information.

Remembering My First Ever Networking Event (Where Some Guy Full-on Shouted at Me)

I’ve written a book about networking, a process where (well, up until recently) you primarily went out and met people face-to-face, often at business networking events. As a result, you’d probably think I’m some outgoing and extroverted guy, who lives for networking! …But I’m really not. In fact, while I wouldn’t exactly call myself introverted,…

men putting a thumbs up

Is your data of good enough quality for Customer MDM?

Customer data management (CDM) is one of the most important aspects of customer experience management. It helps companies get to know their customers, understand their preferences and needs, and deliver personalized services and experiences that keep customers happy and loyal. A key element of CDM is data quality.

Data quality refers to how accurately your company’s information about its customers reflects reality. If you don’t have good-quality customer data, your efforts will be wasted on inaccurate information about those customers—including ones who can’t be found when they need help with a problem or question!

a woman in a red dress dancing while wearing a vr headset

Is it time to get phygital?

Is it time to get phygital?
The rise of the phygital customer

The customer journey is now a hybrid one. The experience for the customer is now hybrid too. The way customers interact with brands and products has changed, but to what extent? For many companies, there simply isn’t enough bandwidth to figure out whether they should invest in a wholly physical or digital strategy. Perhaps it isn’t necessarily a choice between these, but more of a phygital strategy that is required.

So here’s the question: when it comes to building your brand and creating experiences for your customers, do you need to be thinking about how you can create an experience that combines the best of both worlds (the physical and the digital)?

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The Customer Master and Data Governance

Customer master data management (CMDM) and customer data governance are co-dependent disciplines. Successful CMDM is not possible with at least a few key data governance elements.

While the CMDM may be understood as principally the technology, the actual data governance is the people, processes and technology.

With Pretectum’s CMDM we feel that the three are inextricably linked and so do not see it as being possible to pick up a solution like CMDM without data governance.

The reverse may be true. You may have data governance without master data management but then the effectiveness of your data governance policies and procedures have to be called into question.