You might have heard or read about the concept of Net Promoter Scoring or NPS. At its heart, NPS, as a measure, is used to calculate the status of sentiment within a customer in relation to a product, service, brand, or experience. When looked at in aggregate it is the percentage of customers who are effectively pro or positively disposed toward that thing as opposed to against, or negatively disposed detractors of that good, service, brand, or experience.
If you recognize and acknowledge that surveys are a good way to get a sense of customer sentiment then it makes sense to go to the next step of attaching that sentiment to the customer master itself. This also can help guide service and support personnel in understanding that in some instances a particular customer has already indicated some sort of unhappiness and may need some specific special handling, Now that’s what we call customized or personalized customer interaction!
Using Pretectum APIs to manage and access the customer master, you can hook the survey results on a per-response basis right back into the customer master and surface elements like the date the last survey was undertaken the NPS, and any other data that you feel might be important. Ultimately the choice of what you store when you store it and the frequency with which you store it, is entirely up to you and the needs of your business.